Keep Calm and Keep Praying

Life is riddled with experiences that test our patience. At times, it can almost feel as though we don’t have a choice in our response. The keyword here is almost, because to believe that you did not have a choice in how you respond to frustration would be entirely incorrect. We all know the cycle too well. Something pushes you past your limit, you become angry and whether overtly or covertly, your frustration is expressed. You are human. You are going to get angry, but you do not have to be a slave to the triggers of your frustrations.

The next time that you recognize your involvement in a situation that is testing your patience, simply ask the Lord to grant you peace and deliverance from the source of your anger. This choice perhaps often gets overlooked or unacknowledged because in the heat of the moment, it is difficult to discipline your mind to the point of objective situational analysis. With practice, calling upon God to help you during your times of anger can help you to keep calm through prayer.

The difficult part is the cognitive discipline to remember that God can and will deliver you. Next time you are feeling your frustration coming on, say a quick prayer. You may just be surprised to find that your anger dissolves in God’s love and grace.

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