How To Discover Your Value. *Hint* (God Blessed You With It)

God knows you. He knew you before He even made you. He made a plan and a purpose for your life. A plan to give you hope and a future. He blessed you with gifts to fulfill your purpose. God calls you today to remember your worth.

Remember that you have an intrinsic value that He placed into the very fibers of your being. Adjust your crown and rise up to God’s righteousness. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made. You are a child of God. Your intrinsic value has been consecrated (blessed) onto you by God himself before you were even born. Stop looking to this world to give you validation or to grant you worth. As a child of God, you were CREATED with intrinsic value. You have been blessed with gifts and talents, which will aid you in fulfilling your God given purpose.

1 John 4:19 “We love, because He first loved us.” May your heart be filled with the love God has for you. May you reflect this love in the thoughts you think, the words you speak, and the actions you perform. May you embody the love of God in all ways of life. Have a blessed day.

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