The Importance of Routine Prayer

Prayer is our spiritual communication to God. When we engage in prayer with Him, we are fostering and growing our relationship with God, which over time allows us to better understand Him and His divine love for us. What does God say to us about prayer? Let’s explore three bible verses that can give us some insight into what we can expect from routine prayer to God and even WHY we should even be praying in the first place.

In Jeremiah 33:3 ESV “Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known”, God is clearly demonstrating the immense power of spiritual growth possible through prayer. God WILL answer your earnest prayers. You must pray with full faith and believe in Him. When you pray in full faith, earnest, and belief, God will “show you great and hidden things that you have not known”. This can range from the truth of a situation, the truth of a relationship, and even greater insight into God’s purpose and plan for you. Your trust in Him will be taken to the next level when you begin to experience His profound impact in your life, which often can begin with one heartfelt prayer. Let’s explore why faith, trust, and belief is so essential to prayer by looking at Mark 11:24

Mark 11:24 ESV “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Why does God call for us to believe we have already received what we are praying for?

When you truly walk in the ways of Christ and seek to purify your heart, your prayers will no longer reflect longings of flesh or of this world. In other words, you will begin to seek God’s will for your life. Prayers that come from a heart that is striving to live for God everyday will be answered as the faith and the trust in God to grant them will be present at the time of prayer. You have to truly believe that God is capable of healing, fixing, and rectifying.

God perceives absolute truth and intention in all things. He knows the true reason WHY you are praying for something. God knows IF you truly believe He can help you. Your intent behind your prayer is important as it must align with the will of God (not to harm others, evoke sin, etc.) and your faith in Him to answer your prayer must be solid. If you struggle at times, incorporate increasing faith into your prayers. If you truly believe that you desire to increase your faith and that God will work with you, He will. Let’s explore Matthew 26:41 for why prayer is so important to incorporate into your daily routine, not only for how it strengthens your relationship with God, but also how it can help steer you away from pitfalls and sin.

Matthew 26:41 ESV “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” What does “the flesh is weak” mean? The reference of “the flesh is weak” refers to how easy it is for humans to fall into temptation of what pleases them. God calls you to live righteously, however this often conflicts with what our flesh or bodies want. Regular prayer can strengthen you up so that you can better combat temptation to sin. When you pray to God, you can even specifically focus on those sins that are difficult for you to overcome. When you pray with absolute faith, trust, and belief in God to help you overcome sin, He absolutely will.

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