Why We Should Love Ourselves According to The Bible

Loving yourself can be difficult at times. Rising above the temptation to self- scrutinize or devalue oneself is essential– God calls you to love the person He made when He made you! Let’s explore what the bible says about self-love so that we can better approach handling this when it comes our way. What weContinue reading “Why We Should Love Ourselves According to The Bible”

How To Love Your Neighbor As Yourself

What does loving our neighbor as ourselves really mean? Let’s explore how we can take this bible verse and apply it to our daily lives. When we look at Mark 12:30-31 “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all of your mind and with all ofContinue reading “How To Love Your Neighbor As Yourself”

Ephesians 1:11 and Your Purpose in Life

God has a made a beautiful plan and a divine purpose for your life. You are walking the Earth for a reason. It is easy to get caught up in the ups and downs of life, but do not be fooled– your purpose matters. Let’s explore a couple bible verses that give us some insightContinue reading “Ephesians 1:11 and Your Purpose in Life”

You Can Only Go So Long Without God

It is far too easy to get caught up in the grind of life. The wake up, make money, repeat mentality. Although the world feeds you information to support the notion that you are solely meant to climb that ladder and achieve great financial success, there is a fundamental problem to that way of thinking.Continue reading “You Can Only Go So Long Without God”

When Life Closes Doors, Let Go and Let God.

Life is full of doors. They open and offer new opportunities or they close right as you were most ready to turn the knob and open them. We seek to control far more than we even realize. We want a certain door to open for us, because of XYZ reasons. If you have been hopefulContinue reading “When Life Closes Doors, Let Go and Let God.”

Radiate Authenticity

While we explore the various paths that this life presents to us, it is all too easy to deviate from our authentic selves. What does this mean exactly? Well, in a nutshell, it means that we forget the true essence of ourselves and our true purpose for being here. Take the example of a girlContinue reading “Radiate Authenticity”

Simply Be

When you wake up this morning and begin your day, take a moment to simply be. Simply be… what exactly? Simply be present. Breathe in slowly and enjoy the air that God has gifted to your lungs today. Look around you with eyes that do not judge. Simply experience life. Taking these moments of trueContinue reading “Simply Be”

May You Be The Light

What does light symbolize? Perhaps we can look at what happens when we switch on the light in a dark room. When this light is turned on in an unlit room, all of its contents are exposed. The rug that covers a mess is clearly a piece of fabric attempting to mask the lack ofContinue reading “May You Be The Light”

She Dances Without Fear of The Future

Today make the intention to not allow negativity to steal away your moment. There exists this moment, the moment that just passed, and the moment that is about to pass. Negative thinking takes away the present moment to put energy towards a moment that has not even passed yet. Perhaps this is a consequence ofContinue reading “She Dances Without Fear of The Future”

Keep Calm and Keep Praying

Life is riddled with experiences that test our patience. At times, it can almost feel as though we don’t have a choice in our response. The keyword here is almost, because to believe that you did not have a choice in how you respond to frustration would be entirely incorrect. We all know the cycleContinue reading “Keep Calm and Keep Praying”

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