What 1 Corinthians 8:11 Can Teach Us About Unchecked Egos

Everyone has someone in their life who is more experienced than they are in one department or another. Being inexperienced and potentially vulnerable, it is very easy to take what someone who appears to come from a place of knowledge and authority has to say about something. Knowledge has the power to edify or toContinue reading “What 1 Corinthians 8:11 Can Teach Us About Unchecked Egos”

God’s Got Your Back

God is with you. He is by your side. He is fighting for you. He is in your corner. Let’s explore three bible verses that reassure us that God is always with us. “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen youContinue reading “God’s Got Your Back”

Isaiah 41:10 God’s Message of Empowerment

This scripture passage is quite empowering to the believer and follower of Christ. God is reminding you that you should not fear, because He is always with you. Often, the air that fills our lungs is taken for granted. We do not realize all the breathes we take throughout the day, yet the air isContinue reading “Isaiah 41:10 God’s Message of Empowerment”

Simply Be

When you wake up this morning and begin your day, take a moment to simply be. Simply be… what exactly? Simply be present. Breathe in slowly and enjoy the air that God has gifted to your lungs today. Look around you with eyes that do not judge. Simply experience life. Taking these moments of trueContinue reading “Simply Be”

Jesus, Guide My Heart

When you strip everything away, what do you have left? Take away your job, home, and support from friends and family.. what is left? For many of us, picturing the following is to imagine a nightmare. Today’s hope is that you remember the calling you have to Christ and how with Him, any fear orContinue reading “Jesus, Guide My Heart”

Be Still And Know That I Am God

Psalms 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God” Life is unpredictable and undoubtedly, the human experience comes with various trials and tribulations. God has a special message for His people in this bible verse. He calls you to be calm and to take refuge in His ability to protect, heal, and rectify. WhenContinue reading “Be Still And Know That I Am God”

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