It is Good

Genesis 1:31 “God saw everything He had made and behold, it was very good” When God created the world out of nothing, He was quite pleased with His work. Distractions keep us from the truth. What is the truth? The world is fundamentally good. Yes, we have gone off course, but our destiny is rootedContinue reading “It is Good”

Be Still And Know That I Am God

Psalms 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God” Life is unpredictable and undoubtedly, the human experience comes with various trials and tribulations. God has a special message for His people in this bible verse. He calls you to be calm and to take refuge in His ability to protect, heal, and rectify. WhenContinue reading “Be Still And Know That I Am God”

Faith Over Fear

The dictionary defines faith as “the complete trust or confidence in someone or something”. Okay, so we can have faith in different areas of our life, but what does it mean to say that faith has been place in GOD? When we have faith in God, we actually simplify the cognitive load that we wouldContinue reading “Faith Over Fear”

For I Know The Thoughts That I Think Toward You.

Jerimiah 29:11 NKJV There are some instances in life where you almost stop, throw your hands up, and wonder “What in the world is going on?” Just when you think you have it all figured out with your plans, something comes out of left field and completely takes you off course. From illness, job loss,Continue reading “For I Know The Thoughts That I Think Toward You.”

Ethereal Outfitter Joins The Blog Scene

Hi all! We are quite excited to announce our emergence of… As a brand, our goal is to help you raise your faith, hope, and love for God. We share daily inspiration on Instagram, so do not forget to follow us for a quick pick me up when you just need a little Jesus inContinue reading “Ethereal Outfitter Joins The Blog Scene”

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