Do Not Forsake Your God Given Purpose For a Relationship or a Situation

You walk a spiritual journey during your time here on earth, although it doesn’t always feel like it. There are days that take up your full attention and you may even temporarily forget your purpose. Today’s hope is that you will take a moment to re-center and remember that you have a God given purposeContinue reading “Do Not Forsake Your God Given Purpose For a Relationship or a Situation”

Isaiah 41:10 God’s Message of Empowerment

This scripture passage is quite empowering to the believer and follower of Christ. God is reminding you that you should not fear, because He is always with you. Often, the air that fills our lungs is taken for granted. We do not realize all the breathes we take throughout the day, yet the air isContinue reading “Isaiah 41:10 God’s Message of Empowerment”

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