The Importance of Routine Prayer

Prayer is our spiritual communication to God. When we engage in prayer with Him, we are fostering and growing our relationship with God, which over time allows us to better understand Him and His divine love for us. What does God say to us about prayer? Let’s explore three bible verses that can give usContinue reading “The Importance of Routine Prayer”

Do Not Forsake Your God Given Purpose For a Relationship or a Situation

You walk a spiritual journey during your time here on earth, although it doesn’t always feel like it. There are days that take up your full attention and you may even temporarily forget your purpose. Today’s hope is that you will take a moment to re-center and remember that you have a God given purposeContinue reading “Do Not Forsake Your God Given Purpose For a Relationship or a Situation”

Ethereal Outfitter Joins The Blog Scene

Hi all! We are quite excited to announce our emergence of… As a brand, our goal is to help you raise your faith, hope, and love for God. We share daily inspiration on Instagram, so do not forget to follow us for a quick pick me up when you just need a little Jesus inContinue reading “Ethereal Outfitter Joins The Blog Scene”

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