When Life Closes Doors, Let Go and Let God.

Life is full of doors. They open and offer new opportunities or they close right as you were most ready to turn the knob and open them. We seek to control far more than we even realize. We want a certain door to open for us, because of XYZ reasons. If you have been hopeful of something working out in the way you pictured for yourself and it just doesn’t seem to happen, perhaps it is time to let go and let God. Ask God with all of your heart to show you what He wishes for you.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

God shows us that He truly rewards those who turn to Him with complete trust and faith. Through consistent prayer, you can learn to ask God for what you want. Again through prayer, God will show you how to seek the path towards achieving your goals. Ultimately, this consistent communication with God is what will lead you to the answers and opportunities you long for.

You see, we can do everything in our power to control life, but there are certain things that just don’t always pan out. A great example is with love. You can have tremendous feelings for someone and wish to have a relationship with that person, however no matter how much you want it to work, sometimes it just doesn’t. You cannot control another person. You can run in circles trying to make yourself into what you think that person would want, but that would be a waste of time in the long run. Why? Because you cannot possibly maintain control of so many aspects that deviate from your authentic self. If something is not working out, pray to God. Ask Him to show you the truth of a situation, so that you can understand what it is you should do.

There is a plan for your authentic self devised by God in which you will not have to seek to control. Why? Because all of its moving parts will be perfectly orchestrated by God himself. So what do we do next time we feel lost, with nowhere to turn, and exhausted? Turn to God. Realize that ultimately, He is in control. That relationship which isn’t working out despite your desires and best efforts– turn it over to God. He will ALWAYS deliver you GREATER than you could have anticipated or planned for yourself. God is always ahead of you. He will never lead you astray. Believe in His undying love for you.

This short prayer may help you to re-center towards God:

“God, please strengthen me. Renew my faith in you and your plan for my life. Show me that you are in control. Reveal my purpose to me. Keep me close to you. In the name of Jesus. Amen”

God will open doors for you that He alone has the keys to. Remember that His plan is greater than yours. God’s timing is perfect. Have faith. Believe in His love for you. Wear this shirt as a reminder to Let go and Let God.

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