God Gives You The Tools to Put on Your Spiritual Armor of Protection.

Did you know that God gives you the ability to protect yourself spiritually from the attacks of wickedness? Ephesians 6: 10-18 shows you how you can armor up with the armor of God, so that you can walk in righteousness and resist the attacks of the darkness. Today we will be exploring the 6 pieces of armor that you can put on before starting your day. Put this armor on everyday to prepare, protect, and defend yourself from the schemes of wickedness. God is reminding you that the ultimate battle derives from spiritual forces of evil in realms outside of this earth, which you do not have to fight alone.

God gives you spiritual armor so that when you encounter sin, temptation, or evil (which is inevitable), you may identify it, rebuke it, and instead walk in God’s righteousness.

Let’s go through the 6 pieces of this God given spiritual armor outlined below from Ephesians 6: 10-18

  1. Helmet of salvation

Starting at the head, the helmet of salvation protects your mind. When you put on the helmet of salvation, you are protecting your mental well being from anxiety and worry. Recall those moments in your life when you felt the grace of God. Nothing else mattered, because you felt in your heart such saving power of God. Put on the helmet of salvation before starting your day. Ask God to protect your mind against anxiety, worry, fear, or apprehension. Ask Him to bring you peace.

2. Breastplate of righteousness

Moving down to the chest, when you put on the breastplate of righteousness, you protect your heart from being led away from God. The righteousness comes from the holy spirit, which will lead you towards truth, light, and ultimately God. That feeling you get when you know something is wicked or wrong? That’s the holy spirit pulling you away from that situation, person, or place. Keep the breastplate of righteousness on to protect your heart from being led astray. Put on your breastplate of righteousness. Invite the holy spirit to guide you in all of your ways.

3. Gospel shoes of peace

Now we’re at the level of the feet. By putting on shoes of peace, you choose a direction to walk that ultimately leads you towards peace. Put on your gospel shoes of peace and choose the path that bring peace to yourself, your loved ones, and even your enemies.

4. Shield of faith

Now it’s time to put on the pieces used for spiritual combat. The devil is always lurking, waiting, and watching for a soul weak in faith to lead astray. When you walk out the door protected by God’s shield of faith, the attacks and attempts from wickedness will be deflected. You will be protected from demonic attacks with this shield of faith, because your faith will lead you closer to God and further away from darkness. The devil feeds on fear, but your shield of faith should always be large enough to deflect his attempts to scare, tempt, or hurt you. God goes before you always. Remember this. Believe in Him.

5. Sword of the spirit

God gives you this weapon, which gives you the ability to fight back against deception and wickedness. He does this for you through His word in the bible. When you read the word of God, you are filling your mind, heart, and soul with the truth of the universe. When you recognize truth, you can fight against that which masquerades as holy. When you armor up with the sword of the spirit, you can perceive and rebuke wickedness, because the word of God will train your mind to discern righteousness from evil.

6. Belt of truth

Now it is time to fasten the entirety of your God given armor together. The Lord says He is the way, the truth, and the life. When you put on this belt of truth, you are securing your armor with the truth that God provides for us through His word. God is the light of the world. He does not deceive you. He brings you peace. Your armor of God is held together by the power of truth.

If you find yourself feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders, revisit your spiritual armor. If anxious thoughts are filling you head, put on the helmet of salvation. Not sure how to respond to a situation? Read the word of God and sharpen your sword of the spirit. Put on this spiritual armor of God everyday, so that you guard, prepare, and protect yourself from whatever the day may bring. Remember that you are not walking this human experience alone. God gives you the tools to strengthen yourself. He is with you always. Read His word. Pray to Him. Grow your faith. God will always deliver you.

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