Why We Should Love Ourselves According to The Bible

Loving yourself can be difficult at times. Rising above the temptation to self- scrutinize or devalue oneself is essential– God calls you to love the person He made when He made you! Let’s explore what the bible says about self-love so that we can better approach handling this when it comes our way. What weContinue reading “Why We Should Love Ourselves According to The Bible”

God Gives You The Tools to Put on Your Spiritual Armor of Protection.

Did you know that God gives you the ability to protect yourself spiritually from the attacks of wickedness? Ephesians 6: 10-18 shows you how you can armor up with the armor of God, so that you can walk in righteousness and resist the attacks of the darkness. Today we will be exploring the 6 piecesContinue reading “God Gives You The Tools to Put on Your Spiritual Armor of Protection.”

When Life Closes Doors, Let Go and Let God.

Life is full of doors. They open and offer new opportunities or they close right as you were most ready to turn the knob and open them. We seek to control far more than we even realize. We want a certain door to open for us, because of XYZ reasons. If you have been hopefulContinue reading “When Life Closes Doors, Let Go and Let God.”

Jesus, Guide My Heart

When you strip everything away, what do you have left? Take away your job, home, and support from friends and family.. what is left? For many of us, picturing the following is to imagine a nightmare. Today’s hope is that you remember the calling you have to Christ and how with Him, any fear orContinue reading “Jesus, Guide My Heart”

For I Know The Thoughts That I Think Toward You.

Jerimiah 29:11 NKJV There are some instances in life where you almost stop, throw your hands up, and wonder “What in the world is going on?” Just when you think you have it all figured out with your plans, something comes out of left field and completely takes you off course. From illness, job loss,Continue reading “For I Know The Thoughts That I Think Toward You.”

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